The Saxons (US - Florida, Garage / Psych Rock) - mało znane zespoły
The Saxons - grupa z Palm Beach Country (West Palm Beach / Lake Park / Riviera Beach, Florida, US),
powstała w 1964r. po zmianie nazwy z The Aztecs (circa 1961 - 1964) - w składzie :
- Art Groom (1941 - 2021) - keyboards. bass (Arthur "The Reverend" H. Groom - lokalna legend bluesa,
zm. 12.06.2021r.)
- Richie Mirabilio - guitar
- Larry Weir - lead vocals, bass lub guitar
- Dennis Mulvahill - drums.
The Aztecs
The Saxons
The Saxons, pozostawili po sobie dwa single :
- " Carol Ann " (Larry Weir)
- " Everybody Puts Her Down " (Larry Weir)
(1964, Yorkshire Records, YO - 102)
- " The Way Of The Down " (Arthur Groom)
(1966, Yorkshire Records, YO - 127)
Password - "kossoff 1963"
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