czwartek, 12 listopada 2020

Unknown bands (UK - The Old Berkeley Squares, The Night Society, The Candydates) , unknown biographies - part four

Unknown bands  (UK - The Old Berkeley Squares,  The Night Society,  The Candydates) , unknown biographies - part four

Kolejna "porcja" zespołów z kompilacji - "17 From Morden"

1/  The Old Berkeley Squares  (UK)  :

- muzycy nieznani

- " Sho' Know A Lot About Love "

- " As Long As I Know She's Mine "
(1964, acetate OAK Records)

2/  The Night Society  (Epsom, Surrey, UK)  :

- muzycy nieznani

Grupa mająca siedzibę w Epsom, w 1966r. zagościła w R.G. Jones gdzie nagrała trzy własne utwory :
- " No One Can Take The Place Of You "
- " You Can't Break It Anymore"
- " Play Around With Love "

(1966, EP - acetate OAK Records)

Autorami tych nagrań są muzycy - "Wil - Cookson, Clark i Micell".
Grupa zagrała kilka koncertów wiosną i latem 1966r. w The Cellar Club - Kingston Upon Thames.

Wystąpiła w ostatnim konkursie Melody Maker - "National Beat Contest"  (tydzień lub dwa po
wspomnianym we wcześniejszej publikacji zespole The Ancient Britons). Jednak konkurenci  (The
Roll Movement, The Motivation, The Steam Machine, The Eyes Of Blue)  okazali się lepsi - wygrali
The Eyes Of Blue.

3/  The Candydates  (UK,  a.k.a.  The Candy Dates)  :

członkowie zespołu, między innymi :
- Richard Stephenson
- Dave Collman  (bass)

To najprawdopodobniej póżniejsza wersja zespołu The Candy Dates, który w 1965r. nagrał
dwa single dla Pye Records :
- " A Day Just Like That "  (Collman)
- " Well I Do "  (Stephenson)

(wrzesień 1965, Pye Records, 7N. 15944)

- " Some Other Time "  (Stephenson)
- " Show Me How To Live"  (Collman)

(listopad 1965, Pye Records, 7N. 17000)

- ustalenia i opinia wydawcy "17 From Morden" :
-" ...The R.G. Jones studio diaries feature only one specific reference to The Candydates which note a visit to the studios on the 17th of May 1965, but we are confident in the belief that they made their way to Morden more than just the once. "Don't Let Me Down" is drawn from a 4-track acetate EP which also features a cover of The Beach Boys - "California Girls" (whose original recording of which was still progressing in May 1965) and the OAK label colour on the record is more in keeping with discs cut during 1967. The RGJ catalogue number of RGJ 409 doesn't give too much of a clue either, as the allocation of such number to OAK records was slapdash to say the least! The incisive fuzzed guitar too would certainly suggest a recording beyond May 1965 but whatever the case its stature as essential British beat is beyond question. 
In spite of both the OAK label on the EP and the entry in the R.G. Jones citing the group as The Candydates we think "Don't Let Me Down" (and "Please Stay Baby" if we are guessing correctly) may well be further adventures of  The Candy Dates, who recorded two singles for Pye during the latter half of 1965. Their first single in September - "A Day Just Like That", followed an appearance on Opportunity Knocks and the group also featured in a Lucky Stars Summer Spin. Their second 45 appeared in November and the lead vocals on its flip "Show Me How To Live" sounds (to these ears anyway) very similar to the singer
on "Don't Let Me Down" . The Pye Candy Dates also featured a female singer but assuming the OAK recordings are the same band the lady is conspicuous by her absence, so we're guessing she'd left the band before those later Morden visits. All four of the tunes on those Pye discs were written by either Richard Stephenson or Dave Collman, who we're presuming were band members. ..."


Unknown (The Candydates ?)
"Please Stay Baby"

The Disc featuring the blistering "Please Stay Baby" label-wise unfortunately reveals no information at all, though in keeping with The
Candydates "Don't Let Me Down" / "Please Stay Baby" also bursts out of the grooves of a 4-track extended player which also includes a Beach Boys homage with "In My Room". The percussive "Hold Tight" intro proceeded by blasting fuzz begs immediate kinship to "Don't Let Me Down" and the harmonious choruses add further weight to the supposition they could well be the endeavours of the same group.
Whether it's The Candydates or not we think this predates "Don't Let Me Down" and an educated guess may put its committal to disc at 1966. If any of The Candydates ever chance upon "17 From Morden" please get in touch and put us out of our misery! ..."

- " Don't Let Me Down "

- " Baby Please "

- " California Girls "
- " London Girl "
(1966 lub 1967, EP - acetate OAK Records)

Mając na uwadze fakt, że basista Dave Collman w połowie 1966r.  (najprawdopodobniej w lipcu) 
dołączył  (na kilka miesięcy)  do zespołu The Loose Ends  (The New Loose Ends)  z Lewisham,
wydaje się, że nagrań na EP OAK Records dokonano w 1966r.
Z drugiej strony nie można wykluczyć tego, że po kilku miesiącach pobytu w Loose Ends, w 1967r.
reaktywował lub zmienił nazwę (pisownię) na The Candydates.


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