wtorek, 21 lipca 2020

The Clouds (Texas - US, Garage Rock) - mało znane zespoły

The Clouds  (Texas - US, Garage Rock)  -  mało znane zespoły

Dzięki uprzejmości Tim Dulaine  (Tim - jeszcze raz, bardzo dziękuję za informacje i zdjęcia)  mogę Państwu
przedstawić grupę The Clouds.

Zespól pochodził z Houston  (Texas, US), założony w 1965r. - pierwotnie w składzie :
- Alan Wauters  -  guitar, vocals
- Tim Dulaine  -  giuitar, vocals
- Danny Casey  -  drums
- Brent Waters  -  bass,
który w 1966r. został zastąpiony przez :
- Randy Palmer  -  bass.

(The Clouds, od lewej : niewidoczny Danny Casey, Tim Dulaine, Alan Wauters, Randy Palmer, Brent Waters)

          (The Clouds, od lewej : Randy Palmer, Tim Dulaine, Alan Wauters, z tyłu Danny Casey) 

                              (The Clouds, od lewej : Brent Waters, Tim Dulaine, Alan Wauters)

                                                             (The Clouds, Tim Dulaine)

                                          (The Clouds, od lewej : Tim Dulaine, Alan Wauters)

W okresie działalności  (1965 - circa 1967)  The Clouds nagrali i wydali jeden singiel  (dwie kompozycje
Alana Wautersa) :
- "Jeannie"

- "You Tell Me Lies"

(1966, Kidd Records, 1333).

Grupa występowała w wielu miejscach, m.in. w Houston, New York City. "Dzieliła scenę", m.in. z The
Animals i Jimi Hendrix.
Jimi był przyjacielem członków zespołu, a Danny i Randy byli o krok od Jimi Hendrix Experience.
The Clouds zakończyli działalnośc około 1967r.

Tim Dulaine - napisał :

"...Hello there! I am grateful that anyone even remembers that band..  the Clouds were formed 1965. The band members were Brent waters (bass), Alan Wauters (guitar and vocals), Danny CaseyDrums and vocals) and me on guitar and vocals. Yes I think we recorded a few other songs. We performed in Houston at La Maison, The Catacombs, The Love Street Light Circus Feel Good Machine, The Cafe Wha? New York as well as the Cheetah club. We played Central Park with The Animals..The Cloud broke top in NYC.We also changed bass players in Houston to include Randy Palmer. He went to NYC with us.The reason for the change was that Brent did not sing. Danny and Randy went on the Play with Jimi Hendrix in "The Blue Flames" Danny and Jimi shared an apt & lived in the apartment below me on East 5h street in the east village. We all become close friends with Jimi at that time. Danny and I were playing together in Houston a year or so later when Hendrix came in concert in an area.We met him backstage and watched the show. He was very very excited to see his old band mate. Danny and Randy did not join the Experience because they were of Draft age here in Texas ... ".

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