niedziela, 21 czerwca 2020

The Blue Condition (Illinois - US, Garage / Psych Rock) - mało znane zespoły

The Blue Condition  (Illinois  -  US,  Garage / Psych Rock)  -  mało znane zespoły

The Blue Condition  (nie mylić z zespołem Jimi Richardsona o takiej samej nazwie z Tennessee)  z Waukegan  (Illinois, US)  -  grupa  "odpowiedzialna"  za wspaniały singiel  (biały kruk garage / psych rock,
bardzo poszukiwany w kręgach kolekcjonerskich, ostatni raz "widziany" na eBay za 2500 USD) :
- "Lost Love"  (Al Huisman)
- "Coming Home"  (Bill Wilber),
nagrany  (małe studio w Chicago)  i  wydany w 1968r. przez maleńką wytwórnię Tersa Records  (nr kat.
101 / 102).

Udało mi się nawiązać kontakt z perkusistą zespołu - Richard A. Denikas, który przekazał mi materiały i
bezcenne informacje o tej grupie  (Rich - thank you very much).

Grupa The Blue Condition powstała w 1967r. - w składzie :
- Bill  Fishback  -  bass, backing vocals
- Alan Sjoholm  -  lead guitar, vocals
- Al Huisman  -  vocals, guitar
- Bill Gluth  -  drums,vocals.
W 1968r.  (jeszcze przed nagraniem singla)  Rich Denikas  (drums, vocals)  zastąpił Bill'a Gluth.
Młodzi chłopcy  (16, 17, 18 lat)  pochodzili z Waukegan i Zion, IL i byli uczniami liceum.
Grupa działała  (1967 - 1972)  na terenie dwóch stanów - Illinois i Wisconsin, występowała na
szkolnych potańcówkach, a póżniej w większych klubach tanecznych i salach koncetowych.

Oficjalnie  (poza krótkim epizodem - występ w 1973r. na U.S.O. Show)   zespól zakończył działalność w 1972r.

Richard A. Denikas  (zaczynał w połowie lat 60-tych w zespole o nazwie The Lances 1965 - 1966) - napisał :

"...The band was formed in Waukegan Illinois 1967 from 2 guys from Zion Illinois and 2 from Waukegan ill. All were in high school at the time .
Bill Fishback bass guitar/ back up vocals 1967-72Alan Sjoholm lead guitar/ vocals 1967-72 Al Huisman song writer/ guitar/ vocals 1967-72 Bill Gluth drummer / vocals 1067-68 Rich Denikas drummer/ vocals 68-72.
The band played in the mid section of the United States Illinois, Wisconsin.  Being only 16,17,18 years old limited the locations perform . They played high school dances, out door concerts, and later larger dance / concert type clubs.
The 45 rpm record was recorded in a small studio in Chicago Il. The associated record co. Distribution was limited and was only in the USA .  The recording co went out of business in the 70’s.
Al Sjoholm Bill Fishback and I Rich Denikas went on to perform as a 3 piece rock band 1969-73.
The blue Condition officially broke up in 1972 with a short re form in 1973 at a USO show.
The bad later reforms in 1980 as a Blues band called Tunes.  That band broke up in 1979 .
Since then Al Sjoholm played as a single or hosted jam sessions and one in a while played in a band locally

Bill and Al S would sometimes play as a acoustic in bars.

I went on to play in Recording studios, assorted bands which included Bullseye ( country band) we were together 1980 - 1985 played many mid west shows . Later played in assorted bands and more recently played with Rudy Wazz and Wazz Up making a Cd ( for sale on ITunes).
Fyi Al Sjoholm had a stroke in 2015 and can no longer play , Bill Fishback retired and no longer plays, Al Huisman got religion and stopping playing in 1971.

Bill Gluth moved to Texas 1968 unknown if he ever played in a band after that.

I am semi retired but still looking to perform after Wazz broke up 2018.  ..."

Zadałem pytanie dotyczące singla :
How many copies of the single were extruded?
This is one of the most expensive singles I know, in 2017 it was offered on eBay for $ 2,500 ..."

Richard A. Denikas :

"...Wow !! Where is our cut ?? Lol

We got about 50 I think I don’t even have one they all got lost or handed out for free years ago , 1 was in a jute box “ at a camp we usta go to and play / party but it got taken away

Iknow that some went to radio station

Some where ..."

                                                               (Richard A. Denikas)

                                      (The Lances 1965 - 1966, pierwszy zespół Rich Denikas)

                                                                   (Al Huisman)

                                                                    (Bill Gluth)

                                                                 (Alan Sjoholm)

                                                                 (Bill Fishback)

                                                                (Rich, Alan, Bill)

                                                           (Alan, Rich)

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