Unknown bands (US - The Giant Red Jellybean, The Obvious, The Diplomats, Planned Obsolescense, Half Pint And The Fifths, Me And The Rest, The Burgundy Blues, The Playgue, The Profiles, Fridays Keepers, Ides', The Dead Beats, The Chimes Of Freedom, The Decades Combo, The Centrees, The Crucibles, The Commons, LTD. Crest Combo,), unknown biographies - forty eight
1/ The Giant Red Jellybean (Indiana, US)
Randy Rueter
Mike Veal
John Radig
Bruce Resteau
Dave Clifford
The Giant Red Jellybean : standing L-R - Mike Veal, John Radig, Bruce Resteau, sitting L-R - Randy Rueter, Dave Clifford
Grupa z Valparaiso (Indiana) prowadzona przez Randy Rueter (Rand Elliot Rueter) - studenta Valparaiso University.
Singiel :
- " Going Out Of My Mind " (Rueter, Veal)
- " I Need Her " (Rueter)
(1967 or 1968, Cliff Records, TR8 368)
2/ The Obvious (Colorado, US)
Gerry (Gerald) Jimerfield - guitar
Jerry Schoenfeld - bass
pozostali muzycy nieznani
Grupa z Durango (Colorado) prowadzona przez Gerry Jimerfield (Gerry And The Bluetones, The Lords Of London, Dragonfly, The Legend). Przypuszczalnie była to kolejna wersja lokalnej formacji The Lords Of London.
Singiel :
- " I Don't Believe " (T.Paul, G.Jimerfield)
- " Here I Stood Before You " (J.Schoenfeld)
(1966, Cheetah Records, 1001)
3/ The Diplomats (Delaware, US)
Tom Gunnip (Thomas G. Gunnip, b.January 20, 1947 - d. September 10, 1974)
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( Summer 1965, Tom Gunnip [1949 - 1974] )
Grupa z Wilmington (Delaware) z jednym singlem nagranym w Ken - Del Studios - Wilmington, DE.
Singiel :
- " I'm Sad " (Myers, Welch)
- " Route 66 " (Bobby Troup)
(1966, Continental, 5048)
4/ Planned Obsolescense (California, US)
Tom Messerve - lead vocals
Bill Lipscombe - lead guitar, vocals
Kurt Graffy - bass, vocals
Terry McLaughlin - rhythm guitar, vocals
Tom Dinning - drums, vocals
Grupa z Santa Barbara (California). Podczas sesji nagraniowej singla, nieobecnego w tym czasie Billa
Lipscombe zastąpił Joe Rodriquez (lead guitar).
Singiel :
- " Exit Sticky Icky "
- " Still In Love With You, Baby "
(1967, Jet Set Records, JSR - 45-2)
5/ Half Pint And The Fifths (Illinois, US)
- Art Gigler - drums
- Robert (Bo) Blider - guitar
- Joe Falco
- Viktor Simoneit (Viktor A. Simoneit - b. April 21, 1949 - Luebeck, Germany, w 1956r. wyemigrował wraz
z rodziną do Chicago, d. February 20, 2014)
- Tommy Blaha (Thomas W. Blaha - b. January 15, 1948, d. June 23, 2022)
oraz :
- Jerry Slabosz (drugi perkusista)
Half Pint And The Fifths, 1967
Thomas W. Blaha (1948 - 2022)
Grupa z Chicago (Illinois), działająca od około 1964r. początkowo pod nazwą Artie And The Night Trippers.
Zakończyła działalność w 1967r.
Singiel :
- " Orphan Boy " (Larry Nestor)
- " Loving On Borrowed Time " (Larry Nestor)
(1966, Orlyn Records, ORL - 666242)
6/ Me And The Rest (Connecticut, US)
Lou Laudate
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Grupa z Waterbury (Connecticut), której balladowe nagranie - "Dark Clouds" (strona "B" singla) znalazło się
na lokalnej liście przebojów (Top 100) stacji radiowej WWCO (Waterbury) na pozycji 75.
Singiel :
- " Mark Time "
- " Dark Clouds "
(1966, Brass City Records, CO 2027)
7/ The Burgundy Blues (Florida, US)
Tim Yero - lead vocals, lead guitar
Bill Sabella - organ
Bob Lewis - bass
Keith Van Schaick - drums (Keith Edward Vanschaick - b. April, 05, 1943, d. December 18, 2021)
Burt (Burton) Compton - drums
Grupa z Miami (Florida), znana przede wszystkim pod nazwą The Amen. Prowadzona przez Tima Yero.
Keith Van Schaick odszedł z zespołu z uwagi na kontuzje pleców, zastąpiony przez byłego perkusistę lokalnej
grupy The Oxfords - Burta Comptona.
Singiel :
- " Nothing Without You " (Tim Yero)
- " I'll Get You Back Again " (Tim Yero)
(1966, Argee Records, AR - 100)
8/ The Playgue (Louisiana, US)
Lewis Moyse - bass, vocals
Charles Henry Sherburne
Danny Tillotson
Wayne Chapman
Don Myrick - drums
The Playgue

The Playgue

The Playgue

The Playgue

Grupa z Baton Rouge (Louisiana), wcześniej (1965) znana pod nazwą The Bandits (Moyse, Sherburne, Myrick).
Singiel :
- " I Gotta Be Goin' " (L.Moyse, H.Sherburne)
- " Baby No More " (L.Moyse, H.Sherburne)
(1965 or 1966, Rebic, BNB - 19653)
9/ The Profiles (Kentucky, US)
muzycy nieznani
Singiel :
- " If You Need Me " (Golden, Bateman)
- " Please Come Back " (Marion Howard, Mike Howard)
(1966, Amway, 825M-5840)
10/ Fridays Keepers (California, US)
Chuck Hawkins (1948 - 2010) - vocals (Charles Chuck "Festus" Hawkins - zginął w wypadku na
motocylku - September 21, 2010)
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Grupa najprawdopodobniej pochodziła z Eagle Mountain (California). Singiel został nagrany w Los Angeles
na początku 1967r.
Singiel :
- " Take Me For A Ride " (C.V. Wells)
- " Sorrow At My Door " (Charles Hawkins)
(1967, Momentum, 676)
11/ Ides' (Delaware, US)
Joe Hall
Wayne Carter - drums
pozostali muzycy nieznani
Singiel nagrany w Ken - Del Studios, Wilmington (Delaware)
Single :
- " Psychedelic Ride " (Miller, Hall)
- " Only Your Love (Will Save Me) " (J. Hall)
(1967, Ken - Del, 5309)
12/ The Dead Beats (Maryland, US)
Bob Coleman - guitar, vocals
Rick Maske - vocals, guitar
Jimmy Galvin - bass
Wayne Jordan - drums
The Deadbeats, The Quantico Officer's Club in Virginia, 1966, L-R : Bob Coleman, Jimmy Galvin, Wayne Jordan, Rick Maske

The Deadbeats, The Quantico Officer's Club in Virginia, 1966, L-R : Jimmy Galvin, Bob Coleman, Wayne Jordan, Rick (Bobbie) Maske
The Deadbeats, The Battle Of The Bands - Wheaton, Maryland, 1966, L-R : Wayne Jordan, Bob Coleman, Jimmy Galvin, Rick Maske

The Deadbeats, The Battle Of The Bands - Wheaton, Maryland, 1966 : Bob Coleman
The Dead Beats (aka The Deadbeats) z Davidsonville (Maryland). Przypuszczalnie na singlu wystąpił gitarzysta Link Wray.
Singiel :
- " She Don't Love Me " (Rick Maske)
- " I'm Sure " (Bob Coleman)
(1966, Gray Ant, G-108)
13/ The Chimes Of Freedom (Illinois, US)
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Singiel :
- " Just Me And You " (Putney)
- " Pretend " (Putney)
(1968, Chaparral, C-1301)
14/ The Decades Combo (Alabama, US)
muzycy nieznani, grupa przypuszczalnie pochodziła z Alabamy
Singiel :
- " Stubborn Kind Of Fellow " (Marvin Gay, Geo. Gordy, Wm. Stevenson)
- " Funny How Time Slips Away " (Willie Nelson)
(1966, Comet - Nashville, TN, 1001)
15/ The Centress (Ohio, US)
Lee Bosma (Leendert Bosma z Tipp City, ur.luty 1950r.)
Marinus Bosma (Marinus B. Bosma z Tipp City, ur. 09.11. 1951)
Bruce Reinhardt (Bruce Alan Reinhardt, ur. 19.03. 1949r., zm. 05.03. 1999r. Tipp City)
Steve Canter (Steven Michael Canter z Bethel, Ohio, ur. 11.03. 1951r., zm. 18.12. 2022, grał na
perkusji, członek grupy The Centuries)
Grupa z Tipp City (Bethel High School - Tipp City, Ohio).
Singiel :
- " Why " (L.Bosma, M.Bosma, B.Reinhardt, S.Canter)
- " She's Good For Me " (L.Bosma, M.Bosma, B.Reinhardt, S.Canter)
(1967, Wildwood, 19045 / 19046)
16/ The Crucibles (Wisconsin, US)
Singiel :
- " You Know I Do " (Ed Erickson)
- " Beware Of Birds " (T. Lysenko)
(1966, Madtown Records, MT-401/813H-401)
17/ The Commons, Ltd. (Illinois, US)
muzycy nieznani
Singiel :
- " Roses Are Red (My Love) " (R. Esposito)
- " I'm Going To Change The World " (E. Burdon)
(1966, Mod, M-1005)
18/ The Crest Combo (Tennessee, US)
Bobby Alexander (lider zespołu) - vocals, guitar
Billy Alexander - bass
Alan Copeland (1947 - 2022) - drums
Rick Hall - drums
Bobby Napier - guitar
Don Rhodes - saxophone
Joel Williams - bass, guitar w latach 1963 - 1964
John Hall - saxophone (jeden koncert w zastępstwie Dona Rhodesa)
The Crest Combo, 1964, L-R : Billy Alexander, Don Rhodes, Alan Copeland, Rick Hall, Bobby Napier, Bobby Alexander
Grupa z dzielnicy Whitehaven (Memphis) z moim internetowym przyjacielem - nieodżałowanym, świetnym
perkusistą Alanem Copelandem (Robert Alan Copeland - b. January 20, 1947 - d. March 24, 2022) w
In Memory Of Alan Copeland :
Alan Copeland

Alan Copeland

Alan Copeland

The Sands, L-R : Alan Copeland

Alan Copeland

Alan Copeland

Alan Copeland

Alan Copeland (1947 - 2022)
Singiel :
- " It Might Be A Long Time " (Bobby Alexander)
- " Hey, Got A Minute ? " (Bobby Alexander, Rick Hall)
(1965, Colette - Somerville, TN, 109)