sobota, 19 grudnia 2020

The Menn (California - US, Surf / Garage Rock) - mało znane zespoły

The Menn  (California - US,  Surf  /  Garage Rock)  -  mało znane zespoły

Grupa z Fullerton  (California, US)  założona w 1963 lub 1964r.  -  pierwotnie w składzie :
- Don Bagby  -  lead guitar, vocals
- Timo Laine  -  rhythm guitar
- David  (nazwisko nieznane)  -  bass, vocals
- Richard Guerrero  -  drums.
W tym układzie personalnym The Menn nagrali pierwszy singiel :
- " A One Way Deal "  (Kenneth Johnson)

- " Ian Fleming Theme "  (Timo Laine, Don Bagby)

(1965, Two + Two, 101)

W ciągu kolejnych dwóch lat z oryginalnego składu pozostał tylko Don Bagby, który z nowymi muzykami :
- Marvin Hale  -  lead vocals
- Fred Vanderheide  -  bass
- John Barnett  -  drums
- Don Gray  -  rhythm guitar,
nagrał drugi (ostatni) singiel :
- " Whatever Happened To "  (Barnett)
- " Things To Come " (Bagby, Hamlin, Gray)

(1967, Mod Records, 1013)

Grupa The Menn zakończyła działalność około 1968r.

Szczególne podziękowania dla Don Bagby za informacje o zespole.

Don Bagby :

"... I was the lead guitarist.  The Menn (name) was given my the lead vocalist.  I recall him saying it was German influenced or something.  Basically there was Myself, Timo, Richard, & David (first names only... sorry) who were the first members on the red label single.  On the black label single it was myself, Marvin, Fred, John, & Don.  I believe the recording studio was the same place around Bellflower, CA.  The Menn were founded in Fullerton, CA around 1963/64.  So the recordings were done between '63 & '67.  Probably disbanded around 1968 (name wise anyway).  
I have always enjoyed Ian Fleming Theme.  A good friend of mine Timo (still around) and I wrote this tune.  It's a bit bizarre because I am playing the backing guitar in the key of E while Timo played the melody in the key of A.  Somehow it worked.  The other side of that record was me singing in place of our bass player because I sounded more mellow compared to his Jagger voice and my sister sang harmony (she became the drummer of The Daisy Chain later on).  I didn't really care for the black label records because the engineer messed up the mix and dictated the structure a bit.  But hey, how many teenagers back then had two records produced.   Didn't hurt getting the girls. ... "

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