Unknown bands (US - Soulbody, The Cellar-Wall, S.O.S. Unlimited, Blue Stone Horse Shoe, The Calliope, The Discotees, The Children, The Mystifying Monarchs, The Paragon, The Penny Saints, The Triangle , Steve Cowell's Contra-Band), unknown biographies - fifty seven
1/ Soulbody (Wisconsin)
Bill Zurowski - lead guitar (William Zurowski z Greendale, Wisconsin)
Rich Watson - lead vocals, guitar (Richard Watson z Genoa City, Wisconsin)
Lynn Aavang - bass (Lynn D. Aavang z Woodstock, Illinois)
Bob Ingiald - drums (Robert Ingiald z Genoa City, WI)
Fred Ingiald (1944 - 2017) - rhythm guitar, vocals (Frederick Carl Ingiald z Genoa City, WI,
ur. 04.04.1944r., zm. 02.06.2017r., brat Boba)
Soulbody, L-R : Bob Ingiald, Rich Watson, Lynn Aavang, Bill Zurowski, Fred Ingiald
Soulbody (aka Soul Body) - grupa z Genoa City, założona w 1965r., wcześniej znana (1963 lub 1964 - 1965) pod nazwą The Chozen Few (kwartet : Rich Watson, Bob i Fred Ingiald, Lynn Aavang).
Swój jedyny singiel (wydany dopiero w latach 80-tych) nagrała w listopadzie 1966r. w słynnym Chess Records (Chicago, IL).
Singiel :
- " Then Came The Winter "
- " I See You Crying "
(nagrany w 1966, wydany w latach 80-tych, Vintage Records, WJZ 51147)
2/ The Cellar-Wall (New Jersey)
Chris LaRue - drums
Craig Doutt (1949 - 2000) - ? (Craig Bernard Doutt, ur. 11.06.1949r., zm. 25.02.2000r.)
Trio z południa New Jersey (przypuszczalnie Marlton - Burlington County).
Singiel :
- " It's About Time " (C. LaRue, C. Doutt)
- " Cross-Roads " (Robert Johnson)
(1971, Castle, 105)
3/ S.O.S. Unlimited (California)
Benjamin (Spider) Velazquez (ex. Fabulous Desires)
pozostali muzycy nieznani
Przypuszczalnie, krótkotrwały projekt z Los Angeles.
Singiel :
- " Come On, Come On " (S. Herrera, B. Velazquez)
- " Girl, You Don't Know " (S. Herrera, B. Velazquez)
(1967, Whittier, W - 510)
4/ Blue Stone Horse Shoe (przypuszczalnie Missouri)
muzycy nieznani
Singiel :
- " Big City Blues "
- " Rose Of Sharon "
(1966, Damon - acetate, 1933)
5/ The Calliope (New Jersey)
Tom Hansbury - bass, lead vocals
Jimmy Bentley - lead guitar, vocals
Rick Hughes (1950 - 1983) - drums
Tom Einhorn - guitar
The Calliope, L-R : Tom Hansbury, Rick Hughes, Jimmy Bentley, Tom Einhorn

The Calliope, L-R : Tom Hansbury, Jimmy Bentley (top), Rick Hughes (bottom), Tom Einhorn

The Calliope, L-R : Tom Hansbury, Jimmy Bentley, Tom Einhorn
Psychodeliczny kwartet z Short Hills (New Jersey, US).
Single :
- " Awosting (The Truth) " (James Bentley)
- " Streets Of Boston " (James Bentley)
( 1967, Audio Seven, MG - 154/1, MG - 152/2 )
- " Kaleidoscope - Calliope " (James Bentley)
- " Everybody's High " (James Bentley)
( 1967, Audio Seven, MG - 151/3, MG - 153/4 )
6/ The Discotees (Kentucky - lub - Tennessee)
muzycy nieznani
Singiel :
- " Don't Wanna Leave " (J. Loving)
- " I Always Will " (J. Loving)
(1968, Camaro, 45 - 3377)
7/ The Children (Kentucky)
Mike (Hoot) Gibson - vocals, rhythm guitar
Sam Goodman (1946 - 2018) - lead guitar (Louis Samuel Goodman - ur. 16.09.1946r., zm. 10.08.2018)
Clint Nickols (1951 - 2021) - bass (Clint Seay Nickols, III - ur. 04.1951r., zm. 08.03.2021r.)
Mike Rife (1950 - 2011) - drums, vocals (Michael Richmond Rife, Sr. - ur. 09.11.1950r., zm. 28.01.2011)
The Children, L-R : Mike Gibson, Sam Goodman, Mike Rife, Clint Nickols
Michael Richmond Rife, Sr. (1950 - 2011)
Louis Samuel Goodman (1946 - 2018)
Clint Seay Nickols, III (1951 - 2021)
Grupa z Munfordville (Kentucky, US), założona w połowie lat 60-tych pod nazwą December's Children,
pózniej nazwę skrócono do - The Children.
Singiel :
- " I Long To See Her " (Mike Gibson)
- " Lost Soul Seeker In The Rain "
(1968, Atwell, 45 - 109)
8/ The Mystifying Monarchs (North Dakota)
Jerome Roed (1946 - 2014) - vocals (Jerome Kenneth Roed - ur. 02.05.1946, zm. 17.01.2014)
Grant Jahr
Dennis Paisler
Don Roberts
Grupa z Fargo (North Dakota, US).
Jerome Kenneth Roed (1946 - 2014)

Grant Jahr
Singiel :
- " Soldier Of Fortune " (Jerome Roed)
- " I'm In Misery " (Jerome Roed)
(1967, Century, 27913)
9/ The Paragon (New York)
Grupa z Pittsford (New York, US) :
- John Oster - guitar, vocals
- Charlie Oster - vocals, trumpet
- Joe Sergent - bass
- Greg Williams - guitar
- Mike Stevens - drums
The Paragon, L-R : Joe Sergent, Greg Williams, Mike Stevens, Charlie Oster, John Oster

The Paragon, L-R : Joe Sergent, Mike Stevens (top), John Oster (top), Charlie Oster (bottom), Greg Williams (bottom)
Singiel :
- " Julie, Julie " (John Oster)
- " Apocalypse " (John Oster)
(1968, Century Records, 29118)
10/ The Penny Saints (Georgia)
Greg Adams
Jimmy Hudnall
Buck Dixon
Tommy Lambert (1948 - 2018) - James "Tommy" Lambert - ur. 23.11.1948 Columbus, GA, zm. 12.12.2018
Daile Allman (1949 - 2017) - drums (Daile Raymond "Pops" Allman, Sr. - ur. 17.02.1949 Alabama, zm. 05.12.2017)
The Penny Saints (1967) : Jimmy Hudnall, Buck Dixon, Daile Allman, Greg Adams, Tommy Lambert
Grupa z Columbus (Georgia). W marcu 1967r. wygrała "The Battle Of The Bands" (540 WDAK-AM - Columbus, GA), zdobywając nagrodę - kontrakt nagraniowy z Ed Mendel (właściciel - Peggy Sue Records).
Singiel :
- " Don't Sell Your Mind "
- " Was It She "
(1967, Peggy Sue, NRC 559)
11/ The Triangle (Connecticut)
Alan (Al) Tupek - rhythm guitar, backing vocals
Ted Mather - lead vocals, lead guitar
Jim McGovern (1949 - 2022) - bass, backing vocals (James "Mike" E. McGovern, Jr. - ur. 26.08. 1949 New York City, zm. 08.02. 2022)
Dick Wilcox (1949 - 2006) - drums (Richard C. Wilcox - ur. 29.03. 1949 Hartford, CT, zm. 25.03. 2006)
Krótkotrwała (około rok) formacja z Manchester (Connecticut, US), uczniowie Manchester High School.
The Triangle, L-R : Al Tupek, Jim McGovern, Ted Mather, Dick Wilcox (sitting)
Singiel :
- " Why " (Ted Mather, Al Tupek)
- " Reputations " (Ted Mather, Al Tupek)
(1967, Fun Records, U4KM - 1106 / 1107)
12/ Steve Cowell's Contra-Band (Kansas)
Steve Cowell (1951 - 2014) - leader, songwriter and music writer, accoustic guitar, rhythm guitar, vocals (Steven Ralph Cowell z Topeka (Kansas, US), ur. 30.08. 1951, zm. 09.01. 2014r.
Steven Ralph Cowell (1951 - 2014)
John Vigran - bass, lead guitar (B2, B3)
Chris Manspeaker - lead guitar, slide guitar
Tim Adamson - drums
Rick Allen - alto saxophone
Bill Shea and Linda Thomas - chorus
LP - " IMU " - Steve Cowell's Contra-Band
A1 - " Spare Me The Shame "
A2 - " Mandala " (Music Of The Dawn, Indian Summer, Cosmic Virgin Lullaby, Theme For A Siren)
A3 - " The Shadows "
B1 - " Tom, Dick And Harry "
B2 - " It's Comin' Back To Me "
B3 - " Hew No Eye Ant Llon "
B4 - " Mountain "
(1971, Private Press - Karma, AHSPLA 13071, Audio House Studios - Lawrence, Kansas)